Holly Wiegand explains why she doesn’t make New Year’s resolutions and encourages us to consider our own 2017 goals.
Turn on the light and pass the salt
Jennifer Hutson reflects on what it truly means for Christians to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth.
On the issue of pocket inequality
Hannah Georgen brings to light the glaring issue of the sexist pocket industry.
How to win a Facebook argument
Elyssa Fahndrich gives us some tips on how to win a comment war on Facebook.
Annoyed at Californians
Morgan Beard answers the age-old question of why Californians insist on invading Oregon and why they do what they do.
Beck & Call: Relationships and the image of God
Becky Peters shares her thoughts on dating and the image of God in her vlog’s first episode.
Ending this chapter to start a new one
Marissa Raibley reflects on her time at Corban as she starts her fourth and final year.
The Christian cop out: ‘God has a plan for you’
Merissa Holliday talks about what she calls ‘The Christian cop out’ and how telling someone “God has a plan for you,” can be unbeneficial to healing.
The ‘be-attitudes’ of breaking up on a small campus
Natasha Wilson shares her experience and some advice about how to survive heartbreak and break ups on a small campus.
A roommate experience
Nathan Martin talks about his first college rooming experience at Oregon State University.