Zalena Su’e shares her thoughts on putting the stress of finals week in perspective.
Creative places to go off campus
Hannah Haas lists creative places in Salem for students to visit when they want to get off campus.
5 reasons why The Hilltop newspaper is a waste of your time
Michaela Sanderson explains why any self-respecting millennial shouldn’t be caught reading The Hilltop print.
Students reflect on Las Vegas shooting
Drew DeVoy and Will Parker respond to the tragic shooting in Las Vegas.
What Convocation feels like when you’ve never been – and you’re a senior
Ashlyn Rollins reflects on what it was like to experience Convocation as a senior who had never been.
A love for stories is a love for anime
Nathan Smith covers Hannah Vickers’ blog about Japanese animated shows and how it brought her to Corban.
Confessions of a former Mormon
Jessica Abbott shares her testimony of leaving the Mormon church, and how God uses her struggle with doubts, helplessness and hurt to make something beautiful.
The online stigma
Sarina Girangaya exposes the stigma surrounding online dating and tells of the relationship that resulted from her own online dating experience.
Encounter in a hospital chapel
Sarina Girangaya tells her story of a trip to the hospital turned into an opportunity to grow in Christ.
Finals day fiasco
Drew Larabee tells his story of a finals day nightmare.