Professor Strauser is leaving after 14 years of teaching here. Professors and students express how he will be missed. Read here to see what Strauser contributed to Corban during his time here and why he says this change will be beneficial.
Champions take home the tables tennis title
On April 2. Corban Intramurals hosted the Spring Semester Tables Tennis Tournament. Read here to find out how it went.
ASB: Get to know the new team
Read here to get to know the 2013 ASB team through a Q&A.
Student testimony: “God loved me, even when I didn’t.”
In this week’s student testimony sophomore Kelsey Leavitt shares the story about how she no longer belongs to the life of depression and self-injury, even after years of battling it.
Crime at Corban.
Do you feel safe on campus? In the past month crime has increased on campus. Read here to find out more.
Utah missions trip
This spring break eight Corbanites will be headed on a Utah adventure to spread the word of God to Mormons. Read here to see the student and staff leaders of the team and what they hope to accomplish.
Student poetry: God uses our brokenness
Randi Donahue, a freshman, shares her poem about how we are all broken, but God uses our brokenness, takes us as we are, and loves us and shapes us into His creation.
Who are you voting for?
Do you know who you’re voting for come Mar. 18? Read here to see your candidates and hear why they desire this leadership position.
Saying goodbye to Chef Josh
His name is Bonds: James Bonds. Okay, it maybe it isn’t but it is Joshua Bond and he was the food director for Aramark for over three years before he suddenly left in February. Read here to find out more.
Student testimony: “The summer that changed my life”
Student Tera McDonough shares about a summer that changed her life, and brought her to Corban.