What kinds of crimes have been happening at Corban lately? Corban has a low crime rate but once in a while, there are some small cases.
On Feb 9th between 7:10 p.m. and 8 p.m., three cell phones were stolen from the Warner Pacific men’s basketball team after the phones were left in the women’s locker room during a home basketball game at Corban.
The theft was reported to Tim Seiber and Donny Zavala because the men were too busy after the game to file a police report.
“I think it’s difficult to determine who perpetuated the crime, but regardless, issues like this one and the stolen laptop last year are a wake-up call.,” said student Josh Trammell. “We have to reject our naivety and accept that Corban students are capable of criminal acts.”
On Feb 6 Tamra Taylor’s car was sideswiped between 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tamra came out to find that someone had parked next to her car and hit it without leaving a note.
“I called Mike Roth, because a note was not left indicating who had caused the accident [and] it was labeled as a hit and run,” said Taylor.
While her insurance helped cover the damage Taylor still had to pay out of pocket.

According to Corban Chief of Security Mike Roth both crimes remain unsolved with no leads.
“Campus safety depends on students to be the eyes and ears of the campus,” said Roth. “The reality of life is that people do, do these things,” he added.
Students are encouraged to watch out for thefts, pranks, the hitting of vehicles and anything else that doesn’t look right. They can call security (503) 589-8152 or email at safety@corban.edu.
“Without student’s help these crimes will typically go unsolved,” said Roth, “students need to take responsibility for their own safety and be partners with campus safety.”
Michael Roth says
Campus Safety phone is 503-510-6430 if you call 503-589-8152 you will reach the directors desk.