When Jesus told the disciples to make disciples of every nation, He meant go anywhere and everywhere. Even within the United States.
In just a few short days eight Corban students will set out for a mission filled adventure in Utah; the Mormon capitol of the world.
According to JennaMarie Harris, co-leader of the team, over sixty-four percent Utah’s citizens are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and only seven percent of its population is being evangelized. Because of this, very few Mormons have heard the true gospel.
The hope for the trip is to serve Christ by evangelizing to the Mormons, and help the small, but growing Christian Church.
The missions team is headed up by co-leaders Harris and Karen Ramos. Though, the students will also have the Director of Undergraduate Admissions Heidi Stowman, and Van-Gilder Resident Director Ben Pearson in attendance.
“I have wanted to go on a missions trip to Utah for quite some time and after talking to Eli Olson, I started looking into leading a Utah Missions trip,” says Harris
The team will leave Mar. 22, the Friday before Spring Break.
The Missions team will be going with the Utah Partnerships for Christ (UPFC). Russ East of the UPFC visited the students on Feb. 16 to train them on how to witness to Mormons.