Sophomore Carrie Rasmussen is currently studying abroad through Corban’s AMBEX program. This is a quick excerpt about her experiences so far.
Lessons from my cat
In this short essay, a student describes the lessons her cat taught her.
Fundraising: avoiding the flop
Fundraising happens year round at Corban; whether it be for mission trips, organizations, or sport teams. Read here to see what advice students give to have more successful fundraising results, based on their past experiences.
Perspective of the enemy
Stefan Hinkley models after the writing style of that in CS Lewis’ “The Screwtape Letters,” in which letters are written from the perspective of Satan. Read here to see Hinkley’s own Screwtape letter.
I’ll take a side of stability, please.
I stopped eating lunch with people who judged me and found a couple people who enjoyed the seeds as much as I did.
Discipline this
I haven’t completed anything before 10 p.m. since – holy sleep deprivation, Batman! – high school.
Ahhh…real monsters?
It was four in the morning when my Tylenol PM-induced slumber was shattered by the sound of knocking on my dorm window.
A little romance can be a dangerous thing
I walked up to the campus coffee shop the other night with a pal of mine. We stopped before the glass doors and waited for the man on the other side to go first, expecting that after he passed through, he would hold the door open for us.
Signs of apocolypse
College is supposed to make students more mature, but my time here has been spent like a 12-year-old boy, playing pranks, staying up too late, and doing homework only when it fits into my packed schedule.
The office
It was a Sunday, a rather gloomy and chilly Sunday, and we were in the Hilltop News office catching pneumonia.