Corban Junior Katharine Hormann studied abroad in Europe last semester through Corban’s Ambex program. She traveled to 11 countries, and learned something different in each one. Hormann’s passion and enthusiasm for travel spill into the lives of other students as she constantly urges them to try Ambex. Hormann offers tips and encouragement to visit different countries here in her top 11 reasons why you should study abroad:
My Journey with Autism
Craig Johnson, a senior at Corban, tells his story of his journey with autism and how he has overcome its challenges.
Overcoming the Speaking Freeze
Corban student Elizabeth Cheney discusses her dread of public speaking and how she eventually grew to love it through her speech class, while also sharing the valuable lessons one can learn from taking speech.
Life isn’t fair
Life isn’t fair. We all know that. Sometimes good things happen; sometimes bad things.
Valentines Day
What is Valentines Day like after being married for 55 years? Ellen Kersey illuminates.
Where is the love?
You may not have had to fear for your life in middle or high school, but today’s children do. What should Christians do about this problem?
TV Addiction Leads to Decorating Plan
My husband Earl’s primary interests did not – in the past – include decorating. But the home design network and his addiction changed all that.
Robert and Edith, a Guy/Girl Movie Experience
In the hopes of presenting a more interesting review, Rob Saffeels and Meredith Smith went to see a movie together and now offer their guy/girl opinions of the film.
Witness with Your Tip
Ellen Kersey explains the importance of representing Corban — and Christ through something as simple as tipping at a restaurant.
Missions in Mozambique
Lindsay West tells of her experiences this summer on a mission trip to Mozambique. Complete with pictures and a video of a worship service.