Check out these photos from Battle Of The Bands and the Pumpkin Smash!
Corban veterans speak up
Corban observes Veterans Day with men in uniform and a movie night.
“The power of a simple gift”
Share the love of Christ and the joy of Christmas to a child in need by participating in Operation Christmas Child! Read all the details here.
10 Reasons Why I Love Studying Abroad
Student Andee King is currently studying abroad with AMBEX in Germany and, so far, it has been an incredible and life-changing experience for her. Read her 10 favorite things about studying overseas.
Behind-the-Scenes with the cast of ‘Macbeth’
Corban’s production of Shakespeare’s ‘Macbeth’ will make its grand debut tomorrow, Nov. 8, with a matinee at 10:30 a.m. and an 8:00 p.m. showing the following night. Check out this video with behind-the-scenes footage, including interviews with the cast members and lots of sword-fighting!
The great bard casts his vote for Decision 2012
If Shakespeare was alive today, who would he vote for in the presidential election – Obama or Romney? Read what Corban has to say.
Clearing the Smoke on Pot Legalization
Next week, ballot voting will determine more than who becomes President, it will also determine whether recreational marijuana becomes legalized or not in Oregon. How would the outcome affect the state? Read what the state representative, the local sheriff and Corban had to say about this controversial issue.
Christian Massacre in Nigeria
If someone were to approach you on campus and ask you what religion you attested to, it’s safe to speculate that all Corban students would claim to be a Christian. But for 30 or so Christians in Northeastern Nigeria, this simple proclamation was the last thing they said before being viciously murdered.
To go to class, or not to go to class…
Have you ever wondered how much money you’re paying to skip class? Kayli Moser breaks down the numbers for you here.
Barn Party 2012
A compilation of clips from this year’s Barn Party, including an exclusive interview with the winner of the pumpkin pie eating contest!