That time of year is here again. It’s the end of October, and students are tempted to skip class. The reasons are numerous, but what are the repercussions?

Is skipping class OK? Davidson resident Paul Williams says yes.
“Honestly I think skipping is OK as long as it doesn’t affect your grade,” he said.
Williams clarifies that by not affecting your grade he means you’re still learning, you’re not skipping quizzes, and you aren’t avoiding turning in homework by not going to class.
“It’s true we are paying $ 30,000 a year for classes, but we are also paying to learn for the class. If it won’t affect your grade, you might as well skip,” he added.
How much money does one skipped class cost? About the cost of one ski lift ticket.
Wally Vohland, student account coordinator, says, “The student taking 12 credit hours will pay $ 72 for each class (skipped).”
Commuter Katrina Hand thinks class skipping is a circumstantial sort of thing.
“In some circumstances skipping is okay. I think that in cases where you’re spreading yourself far too thin with classes and work and everything else in life, you can sometimes better yourself by taking a break,” she said.
She does not, however, think laziness is a good reason for not showing up to a class.
Don Sparks, director of student success, expresses concern about students who make skipping a natural part of life.
“They miss out on the instructor’s contribution. They don’t have the opportunity to ask questions and make their own mistakes,” Sparks said.
“Going to class requires a discipline,” he continues, a valuable skill for life after college.
He does encourage students to change their habits: “First identify what the change is you want to make and then you have to connect it to a bigger goal. The more you do it, the easier it gets (skipping class or going to class.)”