Kate Tracy reflects on what she observed and experienced on her Mexico mission trip through poetry. Read her poem here.
Harlem Shake Hilltop edition.
In this month’s staff editorial the Hilltop comments on the new YouTube fad, the Harlem Shake.
Corban becomes headquarters for Billy Graham crusade
Corban is the Northwest headquarters for Billy Graham’s 2013 “My Hope” campaign, which has seen significant success around the world in evangelism.
“Don Giovanni” is striking, but lacks redemptive theme
A handful of Corban students opted for a different Halloween adventure by going to see Portland Opera’s production of “Don Giovanni” on Oct. 31. Kate Tracy offers insight on the powerful and erotic opera.
The great bard casts his vote for Decision 2012
If Shakespeare was alive today, who would he vote for in the presidential election – Obama or Romney? Read what Corban has to say.
Clearing the Smoke on Pot Legalization
Next week, ballot voting will determine more than who becomes President, it will also determine whether recreational marijuana becomes legalized or not in Oregon. How would the outcome affect the state? Read what the state representative, the local sheriff and Corban had to say about this controversial issue.
The six deadly sins
I’m afraid this neighbor had quite the misconception of what Christians look like. Christians are not skinny — far from it. In fact, I’d venture to say that evangelical Christianity has reduced the seven deadly sins down to six. We have forgotten about gluttony.
Roomies? You never know what could happen
Roomies is tomorrow. Before you get all skeptical and say nothing good ever comes from setting your roommate up on a date, remember that Roomies has a long and successful history of bringing couples together that may not have otherwise met.
Golf team soars to national tournament
Spending 10 hours on a golf course trudging eight miles through rain and snow, and carrying golf clubs may not sound like everyone’s favorite way to spend a weekend. But for members of Corban’s golf team, this has been their lives for the past few weekends.
Student Life announces new RD
Balyo Hall will get a new resident director come July 2012. Corban Admissions counselor Katy Drake will replace Balyo’s current Resident Director, Holly Schilperoort, for the 2012-13 school year.