Hannah Belleque explains her unique view on a hotly debated topic in Christian culture – feminism.
Review: Balyo Battles
For the second year, Balyo Battles was open to the public. Each hall donned a unique color and fought to the end in an intense dodge ball tournament.
Register for more
Registering can be a daunting task, but Tori Cole offers one piece of simple advice – register for something you don’t need.
Spring Break: a time for service
Many Corban students spent their spring break serving in Utah, Mexico, or Chicago. Some of these students share the purpose of the mission and their thoughts.
Men’s Soccer looks to add more players
Corban’s men’s soccer team is looking to widen their team with the addition of 8 to 10 new players next season.
What we need to realize about the cost of our education
Tori Cole talks in her column this week about the side of tuition that is not often talked about. She discusses how students should approach the matter in a different way.
Why should you see Anne of Green Gables?
Looking for something to do this weekend? Check out this video with the cast of Anne of Green Gables to find out why they think you should see the play this weekend.
What’s happening in Crimea?
The conflict in Crimea has been all over the news lately, but it can be hard to keep up to date with everything that is going on.
The struggle is real- Student shares about homosexuality
In an anonymous interview, a gentleman on campus shares about his struggle with same-sex attraction, how we can help our brothers and sisters in Christ, and why we can’t let this topic fade.
Celebrating St. Patrick’s in style
In a less serious article, Tori Cole offers a few fun ways to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.