It’s no secret how much college costs. It’s talked about every day by most students. It’s one of the biggest concerns most students have about being here. But so often we get caught up in this big number, we don’t stop to think about the smaller factors and implications. Tuition might seem like a frivolous price tag, but there are ways we as students can take responsibility and be knowledgeable.

First of all, many students assume that if the professor doesn’t take attendance and nothing is due, they should skip as much as they want. The fact is, there is much more that could be lost. You pay to attend each class, and skipping means willingly giving this up. If you want the full value of your education, your end of the deal means attending classes. If you’re ok forfeiting this cost, then that is a choice you can make.
It seems to be a common thought among students that Corban charges such a high tuition just because they can. What they don’t seem to realize is that donors play a huge part in paying their tuition. Many students participated in Tuition Freedom Day, where donors were thanked by students. This knowledge should humble us. There are people we’ll never even meet who are helping pay for us to go to college simply because they believe so fully in Corban’s mission. Let us not forget this. Let this also remind us that Corban isn’t trying their hardest to squeeze us dry. This is a private institution with very real and significant costs.
Finally, let’s not forget that we have chosen to be here. While it may seem like there is a lot to complain about, we must remember that we signed the contract, took out the loans, and came here. It’s our choice, and we should take responsibility in that.