A photo recap of students volunteered at various locations around Salem. All photos by Annaliese Henry.
Beck & Call: Home for the holidays
Becky Peters discussing going home for the holidays and taking a break from school work.
Storytime with Grandpa- November
Dr. Hills talks about being thankful even in the face of disaster.
Beck & Call: REACH
Becky Peters talks about the importance of REACH and the impact we can have on our community.
Storytime with Grandpa Hills
The first episode of “Storytime with Grandpa Hills” is here! Dr. Hills discusses with us what adventure is all about and tells us about one of his adventures.
Lumberjack Games 2016
Photo gallery of the Lumberjack Games highlights 2016
Beck & Call: Relationships and the image of God
Becky Peters shares her thoughts on dating and the image of God in her vlog’s first episode.
Who’s ready for the Pumpkin Smash?
Pumpkin Smash cartoon.
A look back at Humans vs. Zombies
Humans vs. Zombies was a few weeks ago at this point, and the zombies won. Here’s a little comic to make all the humans feel a little better and we hope that all humans and zombies alike can share a laugh now that everyone has returned to the land of the living.
ASB worship night recap
A recap of the Sept. 8 2015, ASB Worship night.