Quinton Butterfield has made a commitment this year to embark on a quest for rating various coffee shops in Salem. Read about his adventures here.
Picking the right costume
Picking a Halloween costume can be a daunting task, but Jordin Lineback offers some unique costumes playing off of some of the most popular trends this year.
Life is like Pilates
Rebecca Reagan describes the unique similarities between Pilates and life, and the things that God can teach through this.
Top 10 Youtube videos for Corban students
Have you ever wanted to procrastinate but you just didn’t know how? Have no fear. Check out this comprehensive list of the most important Youtube videos for the Corban student.
The Corban Promise
Student loans are one of the biggest obstacles faces prospective college students. Read about how Corban has just announced the Corban Promise, a loan repayment assistance program, to help aide students.
Music Review: BOY’s musical album Mutual Friends (2013)
Read here to find out about the album professor Kent Kersey describes as the “musical version of Instagram.”
There’s an app for that
College students are always in need of new ways to organize and categorize their lives, and what better way than to use the plethora of smartphone apps that are at our fingertips- literally. Check out this article for a short list of helpful apps for every college student.
What are they driving at?
Freshman Bethany Janzen and political science professor Tony Caito have teamed up to help Corban students register to vote by coordinating a voter registration drive Oct. 7-11.
Inauguration week in review
October 5 marked the Inauguration of Corban’s tenth president, Dr. Sheldon Nord. Check out pictures from the ceremony, as well as the events throughout the week leading up to it.
Memes take over campus
Corban memes have spread all across campus. Hannah Madsen explores the impact of the Corban’s Facebook meme page and student’s reactions to the phenomenon.