The Hilltop’s recent focus on gender roles is timely in light of the upcoming Woman to Woman Conference on campus Sat., Feb. 25. The theme is: “Unleashed: Becoming a Catalyst for Change.” Keynote speaker Carolyn Custis James is a nationally recognized author who addresses women’s need to know theology, develop their God-given gifts, and live out His purposes. Up to 50 students can attend the conference free of charge, but must register through Student Life. Carolyn will also speak in chapel Friday, Feb. 24.
Feminism and issues related to women in the church are definitely “hot topics,” both inside and outside the Christian community. It is important for all of us to study and consider the issues in light of biblical truth, and extend grace as we listen to one another’s conclusions.
The following websites offer a more in-depth look at each of the views noted in the Hilltop: complementarian: www.cbmw.org egalitarian : www.cbeinternational.org feminist: www.now.org
Anne Jeffers and Lee Ann Zanon
Women’s Ministry Faculty