Meet the Area Coordinator and Assistant Area Coordinator of Prewitt and Van Gilder (PVG)!
Area Coordinator: Alex Gowan
Spring Creek, Nevada
What is your major/degree in?
Youth and Family Psychology
Favorite college memory?
“During my senior year as an RA, I planned a princess night for my hall. I bought a bunch of nasty dollar store makeup and divided them into groups of three. One was blindfolded, and another person used words to guide the blindfolded person as they put makeup on a third person. The results were hilarious. Once they all had lipstick up their nose and on their teeth, I told them that their next task was to run to Farrar, find a Prince, stick a shoe on his foot, and bring him back to Aagard as fast as possible. The girls took off running looking like they had been released from a hillbilly salon. Once we got to Farrar (which took a while, we started off a little overly ambitious), we began yelling up at the guys through their windows, “I need a (gasping breaths) PRINCE!” Looking and acting like we did, the guys weren’t too eager to oblige. One princess (ahem Nikki Smeester) then took measures into her own hands and began banging on the front door and the windows that framed it. Screaming incoherently from her clownish face, she smacked the glass with her fist and broke the window.
There was one moment of surprised silence.But it quickly ended when a couple of potential princes rushed to their beloved building’s aid. They opened the front door only to be grabbed by the shirt by a mob of powdered and blushed zombies and dragged back to Aagard.
I don’t really know how to end this story because it truly was anticlimactic. We got back to Aagard, the ladies celebrated their bounty and the princes remained completely bewildered and wandered back to Farrar with scraped knees and ruffed up hair.”
If you were an animal what animal would you be and why?
“A FROG. They can live on land AND in the water AND they can kind of sort of fly AND they make beautiful night music AND catch things with their freakin TONGUES. Sorry, I get excited about frogs.”
What does a Christian community look like to you?
“As I’ve been praying and dreaming and scheming this year, I continue to come back to the word honor. Honor means to ‘regard with great respect’ or ‘ascribe weight and value to.’ To me, living in community is guided by how much we honor one another. Do we see one another as being highly valuable and worthy of respect? If so, we will bravely confront one another with the desire to reconcile when we disagree or cause each other pain. We will think about how our actions, attitudes, and words affect others. We will ask ourselves how we can meet the needs of others instead of how we can get our needs met. We will view each other as more than the clothes we wear, the things we have, the way our bodies look, or if we are a potential spouse, but instead as our fellow co-heir with Christ.”
Assistant Area Coordinator: Lauren Moore
Reseda, CA
What is your major/degree in?
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Favorite college memory?
“The Snowpocalypse! I loved the snowball fights with other halls, riding down Warrior Dr. on a surfboard, PVG’s makeshift church service, and getting to sled with Travis before we were dating.”
If you were an animal what animal would you be and why?
“A dog, because I could sleep and play all day.”
What does a Christian community look like to you?
“To me, a Christian community is a group of people who don’t have their stuff together and they consistently choose to be real, honest, and vulnerable with one another. Through this, they support and encourage each other as they live their lives for Christ and thus are an example to the world because of their love and rawness.”