With wars raging across the globe and ISIS becoming an overwhelming evil power, we find ourselves scared of the chaos in the world. Our own lives seem to have enough disruption and busyness that we find ourselves overwhelmed trying to juggle the problems sin has brought upon the world.
I’ve heard it a million times during prayer, especially recently, “Dear Lord, bring us peace that only you can provide, comfort us and be with us.” We say these words almost meaninglessly anymore. These words have lost their weight in our “christianese” language.
We have become numb to the reality of Christ’s peace.
When we find ourselves among the throws of turmoil and the rough times we pray for peace but we do not truly seek out the One who can bring peace.
Now I beg the question – when we pray for peace are we praying in sincerity or out of selfish ambition? Do we earnestly pray for healing in the countries injured by flying shrapnel and bullets or do we pray because we are told to?
We see the loads of paperwork and electronic submissions that must be done set before us, and suddenly all fragments of peace fly out the window. Life seems to lack peace both in our dorm rooms and in the dry desert lands terror– stricken by ISIS and famine.
Where is the call to sincerely pray for peace?
Pray for peace – genuinely pray. Praying for peace is a truly humbling request. It puts us in second place and acknowledges Christ as the only One who can turn the messy parts of life around. He is the only one who can bring comfort. It’s us saying, “I can’t fix this on my own and I give up, take it all.”
We are granted peace only through the Prince of Peace who is Christ (Isaiah 9:6).
Psalm 116:2 says, “Because He turned His ear to me, I will call on Him as long as I live.” Should we not call on Him when life becomes more than we can bear? It should not be embarrassing or even shameful. After all, Jesus prayed for peace in the Garden of Gethsemane.
When we find ourselves at our worst caught up in the stresses of school, friends and relationships and when the world may, quite literally, be exploding around us, we must remember to turn to Him in faith. “The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace” (Psalm 29:11).
He is faithful. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. He is a sovereign God. He says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (Luke 14:27).
Jordin Lineback says
This is great, Emily. I really appreciate the perspective it gives and the thoughtfulness it evokes. Thanks for sharing :)