Good taste or just another fashion disaster? Here are some opinions as to why men sport those tight jeans that are so popular now days.
Prayer Rally Gathers Students
The student-initiated and led event was part of an international prayer rally that set a time for students to gather together in prayer.
Accept or Decline?
Students and professors across the globe are utilizing the networking phenomena known as Facebook. But does this mean students and professors of the same campus should be friends on Facebook?
Beach Party Results in a Wave of Approval
Corban College’s Beach Party, thrown by the student government, was a success. Students, faculty, and employees were all invited to participate in the many events held at Bob Straub State Park on Sept. 13. Volleyball games ensued, buried treasure was found, and limbo sticks were lowered.
Corned beef and cabbage: How to survive an Irish family
A thick skin and deep lungs are two requirements to surviving life with a big, loud, Irish family.