This story first appeared in the October 2019 edition of the Hilltop.
In high school, the week before Homecoming is dubbed spirit week. During the week, different themes get picked for each day and students are encouraged to dress up accordingly. Popular themes include America, pajamas, throwback, and school colors. This year, Corban brought spirit week back to its student body the week before Corban Homecoming. SAB wanted students to dress up according to the day’s themes.
Paul Dunlap, a member of SAB, said “spirit week is a good way to boost morale and encourage participation without having an event.” Dunlap also said that SAB has wanted to hold a spirit week for a long time, but chose to unveil it this year during Corban’s fiftieth anniversary.
Amity Duke, another member of SAB, said that Melissa Stupfel, the event coordinator for Corban Homecoming, approached SAB to do something for the week before the big event. Duke also said that spirit week was “a little bit of nostalgia, a little bit of silliness.”
Monday was “Christmas Morning.” SAB asked for students to wear Christmas pajamas (or any pajamas) and hinted at a “sweet surprise” at chapel that morning. The sweet surprise turned out to be none other than Dr. Nord dressed up as Santa Claus. Duke said “I thought it would be fun to have Dr. Nord in a Santa suit so we did that.”
Miriam Steinbach said “I loved this spirit day because it gave me an excuse to wear pajamas to class! Not only that, but I got to celebrate my favorite time of year a little bit early. It was fun to sport my nutcracker pj pants around campus all day and high-five fellow classmates who also decided to take the plunge into winter wonderland.”
“Twin Tuesday came next. Students wore matching outfits with their friends or roommates. SAB asked students to tag them in their picture on Instagram for a chance to win a grand prize.
Jaelyn Singleton had the idea to carry around a broom with a picture of herself taped to it. “When I initially heard about twin day,” she said. “I thought of the trouble it would be to coordinate with someone, but it would be hilarious to tape my face to a broom and carry it around”
On “Walt Disney Wednesday” students sported their favorite Disney gear or dressed up as their favorite character. “We (SAB) were throwing around ideas such as Star Wars or Marvel,” Dunlap said. “We decided on Disney because they own so many franchises that it covers a large amount of dress.” Students dressed up in anything Disney and posted a Disney themed Tik-Tok. The person with the highest number of likes won a prize from SAB.
“Throwback Thursday” celebrated Corban’s fiftieth anniversary in Salem. SAB posted throwback pictures of professors and staff members on their Instagram account for students to guess who is who.
“Flannel Friday” was named so in honor of the Balyo – Davidson Lumberjack games that took place that evening. SAB invited students to hang out after chapel to participate in a fun warm up to the games.
Saturday is “School Spirit Day” on Saturday concludes spirit week. Students were invited to wear the Warrior colors: blue and gold. The day’s events at the gym included food trucks, a dunk tank, a volleyball game, and more.