
It was a typical Sunday night on the quiet and calm Corban campus, except for the stir that was going on at the top of the hill. A strange buzz could be heard coming from the gym. If one were bold enough to venture in the doors and see what was going on, they would walk in to witness a fully fledged soccer playoff for the Intramural Soccer World Cup.
After six weeks of a regular season for both the Alpha and Beta Leagues, the time had come for the final push towards the ultimate goal: to hold the Intramural World Cup trophy made of solid titanium in front of the stadium full of screaming fans. Unfortunately, the university is on a shortage of titanium so the goal would be replaced with Championship t-shirts. It would all come down to who could survive the longest.
Alpha League
To start off the fun and excitement would be the Alpha League. With the best record during league, team By Popular Demand, captained by Dustin Johann, automatically made it into the second round of pool play. The first game played was between captain Nolan Cason’s Fightin’ Yechas and captain Joaquin Silva-Arcos’ Barcas. With two great teams starting off the night, it set the tone for the rest of the Championships. In a competitive 22 minutes of play, the Fightin’ yeahcas were able to defeat their opponent by a 3-0 margin.
Up next for the Alpha League was The Destroyers of Worlds!! captained by Alec Kovac and their competition the Little Rascals under the direction of Alec Rodriguez. Proving to be a great game, it was a nail bitter all the way through. Kovac’s team managed to make it through to the next round on a 1-0 finish.
After having proven their worth, the Fightin’ Yechas went on to face the regular season team with the best record By Popular Demand. Johann’s team would demonstrate why they automatically made it into the next round by slaughtering the Yecha’s 4-0.
It all came down to this, the final game to prove who is truly worthy of the Intramural Championship t-shirts. Facing off in this highlight event would be Johann’s By Popular Demand and Kovac’s Destroyers of Worlds!! Even though the Popular Demand team was well rested having made it automatically into the next level of playoffs, the Destroyers were on a hot roll. By the end of the night, they were too much to handle and put the final game away with a 3-1 score. Overall the Destroyers of Worlds!! finished with a 6-1-1 record and the title of Alpha League Champions.
Beta League
After the first league champions had been determined, it was time to find out who wanted the title for the Beta League. Having the same amount of participating teams as Alpha League, the set up for Beta was the exact same. The team that proved the most consistent in its wins on the court and automatically made it to the second round was the Boomerangs captained by Emma Felzien.
Fighting to secure themselves a spot against the Boomerangs was team Ninjas run by Amy White, and The Soccer Team and their leader Patience Reinike. Unfortunately, a series of unfortunate events left The Soccer Team unable to make it pushing the Ninjas into the second round.
Up next in the rounds was the Corban -Gila lead by the fearless leader Jesce Anderson against Sarah Jack’s Fire-Breathing Baby Ducks. With a great game on the line, the Corban-Gila managed to pull through to the next round with a 3-1 victory.
The following game consisted of the Boomerangs taking on the Ninjas in an epic battle to make it into the championship game. With everything on the line, both teams laid it all out on the court. With both teams having fresh legs for the second round, it was an intense game. Yet the Boomerangs swung out a lead and managed to secure their spot in the championship game by winning 3-1 over the Ninjas.
At last, the culmination of six weeks of fun and goal scoring, it was time for the championship game for the Beta League. In the end there can only be one. At the end of the night and on into the next morning (the final game started at 11:30pm) the winner was decided. With 3 goals scored against the opposing one, the Corban-Gila claimed their fame and place in the Intramurals history book as the Champions of the Intramural Beta League with a record of 8-1-1.
Thus raps up the Spring 2013 Co-ed Indoor Soccer League. A total of 10 teams with 96 players came out to participate, have fun, and show off their talents. If you missed out on this opportunity, don’t worry. There are still several intramural opportunities this year and now you know for next year. Be ready!
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