The next to last league of the 2012-2013 academic year was winding down and getting ready to name a victor. However, in order to name this team, four teams from both the competitive and recreational teams would have to duke it out in a playoff bracket.
Leading off on the plate was the competitive bracket. Only the top four teams with the best records made it to the playoffs.
To start off the night of epic Wiffleballing was team “Vicious and Delicious” captained by the notorious Nolan Cason, whose teams are well known and respected throughout the Intramurals realm. With a perfect 6-0 record during the season, Cason’s team was ready to take on “Wiff It Good” captained by Reid Zucatti. It was a close game up until the end when Cason’s team managed to pull away with a 12 to 7 win over Zucatti’s.
Up next in the competitive bracket was Nate Edwards’ team, “Balls to Walls” facing off with “Wiffle Me This” team captained by Seth Henry. After dueling for the entire 6 innings, Edward’s team pulled through and made it to the next round.
It was down to the last two standing: “Balls to the Walls” against “Vicious and Delicious.” In a close match, Cason’s tea took home the Wiffleball Competitive League Championship with an 8-7 victory.
The night was still young when the first round in the Recreational bracket began. The “Belgian Wiffles” and their captain Dawson Nofziger stepped up to challenge the combination team of Farrar and Aagard. Nickolas Mattox captained this alliance known as Fragard on First. However, the “Belgian Wiffles” managed to overcome the bond of the two dorms and make it to the next round.

Next, Travis Sherman led his team “Kikkoman!” in a fight against April Lindstrom and her “Broken Bats.” The teams dueled it out, but in the end, “Kikkoman!” made it to the playoffs.
In the final game of the Wiffleball season, one team remained ahead. Travis Sherman led his team to a 10-9 win and claimed the Spring 2013 Intramurals Recreational League championship.
Colin Allen is a student worker for Corban Intramurals.
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