By April Lindstrom
Over spring break 2013 I traveled with about 20 others to an orphanage around Ensenada, Mexico. Casa De Paz is the orphanage that we went to and about half of the team had been there before.
Our hope for the trip was to be able to bless the orphanage by doing some work around the facilities and also by loving the orphans that live there— which was not difficult in the least.
Some of the stuff we did while there was dig motes around about 200 orange trees so that they would produce better fruit in the future, and we helped make a new trash pit for them by taking down a fence and putting it back up around the new trash pit.
Though, the thing that really touched me was worshiping with them.

We put on a youth group type of service and they sang the songs in Spanish while we sang them in English. Just thinking that we all were praising the same God, and God knew exactly what each one of us were saying was incredible.
God shined brightly through the people at the orphanage. Being able to play with the kids, talk and joke around with the teenagers, and to be able to let the adults take a break that they don’t normally get was a great thing that we could do.
Also on this trip about 6 of the orphans were baptized on our last full day with them. The emotional attachment that every single team member formed was physically visible on our last morning when we all got into a circle and prayed for our drive back, and for God to bless the orphanage.
It was a trip that I will never forget, and Casa De Paz is a destination that will occur more in my future.