Walking around campus during the snow storm, it was hard not to marvel at the incredible beauty of a world encased in ice.
The snow reflected the moonlight and the frost reflected the lamplight leaves. Gazing at the frost-covered moss in front of me, I couldn’t help but be become fascinated and amazed at the intricacy of God’s frozen lace.
As I continue to walk, crunching through a thin layer of ice into the snow below, I remember the loud Aramark raucous at supper when students began to find out that school was cancelled for Monday. I watched the different groups of people randomly celebrate as the news spread.
The usually some-what quiet hum of Aramark instantly became loud and energized as people slapped high-fives and hugged. Then, to top it off, freshman Beau Glitschka stood up and yelled “A toast to no school tomorrow!”
“I heard the idea that someone should stand up and make a toast and I thought to myself, ‘This is going to be awesome,’” Glistschka said.
Provost Matt Lucas is responsible for making the decision of whether or not to close Corban campus for a snow day. He stated that, while snow days are “glorious,” the decision is never easy.
“I think it’s the most stressful part of my job because it’s never cut and dry— no pun intended,” Lucas said.

Photo by Carrie Rasmussen
According to Lucas, the parking lots could not be cleared in time and that students would have been “slipping and sliding” the entire day.
Students agreed that Monday’s snow day, while being a bit unexpected, was a welcomed break from school. Students spent the day throwing snowballs and singing “Do you want to build a snowman?” at the top of their lungs.
For many, our mini Snowmageddon as the perfect break to make hot cocoa, have snowball fights and, yes— snowmen were built.