By Sam Campbell
I saw God work through the indigenous BriBri tribe of Costa Rica this summer. We stayed nine days in Talamanca, Costa Rica. We had gone to there for the first time, last year, so our group was really excited about returning.
We started building a church sanctuary and the church’s bathrooms. This year the bathroom walls were nearly finished and the sanctuary framing was done. We helped cement the bathroom walls and install some of the plumbing that was needed. We also helped put in the floor boards of the sanctuary.
The BriBri tribe that inhibits this area was cut off from any provision support from the government. So they are forced to recycle everything that they own.
Everything has a purpose and is valuable.
The fact that they took note of the value in everything was unbelievable. It reminded me of how God is so great but He notices the value in us and how He chooses to love us unconditionally. We are made for a specific purpose and I know a part of my purpose included being a part of the Costa Rica team of 2012.
I learned so much from these people, when honestly I thought I was going to teach them something. Even though they didn’t have everything in the world, they still had love and appreciation for the things they did have.
This is something I struggle with because I feel like everything I want in life is accessible. Here in America, we take everything we own for granted. Americans can be so wasteful when compared to other parts of the world. Their hearts burn for the Lord and they have solidified faith that God will provide for any of their needs.
I was truly blessed to have been able to witness this type of faith in God. I will never forget those wonderful people who live in the mountains of Costa Rica.