By Mara McKinney
When we first got into our cars on Oct. 12, we didn’t know what we were doing, or what to expect. Regardless, the four of us still eagerly grabbed our signs and jumped in the car.
I think that as Christians we are supposed to be making a difference in the world around us for Christ. That’s what I hope Corban Students for Life is doing for the Salem community. Twice a month we stand outside Planned Parenthood to pray and sidewalk counsel women and men who come to speak with us.
We’re striving to defend the most vulnerable members of society. The unborn.
When we showed up that Saturday, we gathered outside of Salem Planned Parenthood to peacefully hold signs stating “love” and “life” and to pray for the hurting women walking in and out–that they would find God’s love, grace, forgiveness, and hope.
Every day in America there are four thousand abortions, four thousand hurting women, and four thousand children that you and I will never meet. Edmund Burke once said, “all that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”
Where are the good men?
Where are the good women?
Where are the people who will stand up and fight for women and their preborn babies?
God can work through a few, but how much He can do with many?
I encourage you to join us in the fight for women, in the fight for hope, in the fight for life.