Students can now listen to the chapel messages every day of the week and whenever you want. The new chapel podcast channel makes this possible, with online streaming of the recorded weekly chapel services.
“I think we’ve all had the experience, ‘God really spoke to me through chapel,’ without any way to share that experience with others,” David Sanford, director of communications and public relations, said.
You can stream the podcasts on Sound Cloud at for free. This new media outlet is not exclusive for students, but is available to anyone who wants to tune in.

“Beyond the hundreds who hear each chapel message live,” Sanford said, “we want the rest of Corban’s students, staff, faculty, alumni, supporters, friends and family to share in the experience.”
Sanford explained that the podcasts are meant to expand the chapel messages to a wider audience. Although it was made with students in mind, it is hoped that parents and non-students share in the chapel experiences and messages that each student is offered.
“I’d love to see students share their favorite chapel messages via podcast to family and friends across the U.S. and abroad,” Sanford said.
Currently, 12 chapel messages from this fall are posted, as well as a few selected messages from the past few weeks. Each podcast is edited and given a catchy introduction by Scott Young Audio in Portland. The Corban podcast team includes Josh Bartlett, Ron Cox, David Sanford, Alena Harvey and Scott Young.
“Now anyone, anytime can hear inspiring, practical, biblically-based chapel messages by Dr. Sheldon Nord, Dr. Matt Lucas, Dr. Greg Trull, and other favorite Corban speakers,” Sanford said.
Will the students use the advantage of being able to listen to the messages whenever they want? Of course, one can’t tell the future, but this news has spread some optimism and interest among students.
“I think they chapel podcasts are a good way for busy students to be able to listen to the chapel messages even if they can’t be there,” student Joseph DeGuzman said.
Student Iliya Zhividze said, “The new podcasts will be good because you can listen whenever you want and wherever you can get online. They also can be used as resources, and you can keep going back and listening to them.”
One question that could be asked is how this will interfere with students attending chapel? Sanford believes the podcasts will not take away from the chapel experience, but enhance it.
“Nothing beats firsthand experience, so I don’t see Corban’s podcasts competing with chapel at all, just the opposite,” he said. “Each podcast extends the impact of the speaker’s message. The bigger the audience, the better.”
This is the first time Corban has had a program like this, providing easy access to the inspirational messages any day of the week.