Get to know some of the Resident Assistants (RAs) of Fraagard! The brother/sister halls led by Nikki Smeester, John Mellison, and Katie Schiedler.

Nikki Smeester
Lynnwood, WA (north of Seattle)
What is your major?
Elementary Education
What is your favorite college memory?
“I don’t think I have just one favorite college memory, but if my roommate could be a memory, it would be living life with her for the past three years, and being blessed by her friendship.”
If you were an animal what would you be and why?
“If I were an animal I would want to be a horse because they are strong, graceful, and fast; they live in herds, and they run freely.”
What does a Christian community look like to you?
“To me a Christian community is a place where believers in Christ are able to come together to grow in our faith and as the body of Christ, and to encourage/challenge one another as we serve our Lord.”
What is your favorite Aagard/Fraagard memory?
“My favorite Fraagard memory was road-tripping to my house for the weekend with some of my Aagard sisters and some Farrar brothers, and getting to share my home and family with them.”

John Mellison
Albany, OR
What is your major/degree?
Guitar Performance and General Psychology
What is your favorite college memory?
“I can’t (legally speaking) tell you my favorite or second favorite memory until after I graduate, but here’s number three. One evening, a friend approached me and said, ‘Prepare yourself, for an adventure is afoot; tonight.’ I put on my warm clothes, filled my pockets with food and snagged my book of cat poems. I was met by three others, and we proceeded to walk to Silverton that evening. Along the way we stopped and slept in a walnut orchard (to observe the witching hour, of course).”
If you were an animal what animal would you be and why?
“I like to think that in many ways, I already am a teacup pig.”
What does a Christian community look like to you?
“Christian community is brothers bearing burdens with one another; wrestling through various expressions of Christian doctrine; learning what it means to be God’s image bearer; learning to fully enjoy my (and others) sexuality; desiring God as an individual and corporate group.”
What is your favorite Farrar memory?
“My favorite Farrar memory is when Ace Denim played “The Lesson” by Victor Wooten at the spring talent show.”

Katie Schiedler
Woodburn, Oregon
What is your major?
Elementary Education
What is your favorite college memory?
“Wow, the fabulous memories are endless. It’s so hard to choose just one, but I will have to say that I will always cherish the memory of the last day of school each year. Every year on the last night after dark, my friends and I have a tradition of rolling down the Aagard hill until the stars spin, lying on rooftops, and reflecting back on the year and all of our favorite memories. Thus, my favorite memory is remembering memories.”
If you were an animal what would you be and why?
“If I were an animal I would be a penguin because they have the most fun! They wobble, slide around on their little bellies and do the penguin huddle cuddle.”
What does a Christian community look like to you?
“I think a Christian Community looks like a cinnamon roll hug. The beauty of a cinnamon roll hug is the vulnerability, connectivity, and inclusivity. While you hold on to each other, you can let go of doubts, insecurities and judgments. In a Christian community, you are connected through Christ in a powerful way. You recognize that all are sinners in need of a savior, striving for a common goal: to glorify God. It is inclusive not only towards its members, but cinnamon roll hugs always have an open hand extending to outsiders, inviting them to join in. In the same way, Christian communities should have a hand extended, welcoming all who want to hear about Jesus.”
What is your favorite Aagard/Fraagard memory?
“’The Peculiar Chocolate Chip.’ One night, I was happily eating cookies given to me by my RA Kelsey Banks. Several of us were munching away when we discovered a peculiar chocolate chip. This was a chocolate chip filled with protein and goodness. It was an ant. Soon we discovered a thick trail of ants walking from the window to the plate of cookies. As we further inspected the half eaten cookies in our hands, we found more of the peculiar little creatures. In a flood of absolute terror, disbelief and shock, my dear friend, Brittanie Thompson and I found ourselves running down the hall with the ant-infested plate of cookies. We went to the basement and sweetly offered the peculiar cookies to some soon-to-be acquaintances. This is one of my