Here’s your chance to get to know the leadership from Farrar and Aagard (Fraagard)!

Area Coordinator: Katy Watson
Clackamas, Oregon
Early Childhood Elementary Education
Favorite college memory?
“One of my favorite college memories was when I was on a slightly dangerous, very secretive adventure with a group of friends…in the tunnels. Before campus security was strict about these things, I coerced a security friend into letting us explore the dark, forbidden spaces under Corban’s campus. We crawled, whispered, saw old things and just tried really hard not to get caught. We looked up and found an old, rickety ladder going up to seemingly nowhere. My campus security friend (probably trying to impress us ladies) offered to climb it. When he was almost to the top, he stepped on a loose board and before I knew it, I saw a 2 x 4 falling, felt it slam into my head and I fell flat on the ground. I laughed and cried so hard as a one inch goose egg protruded from my forehead. After we emerged from the tunnels and made sure I didn’t have a concussion, my security friend asked me (a bit apologetically) if I’d like to go on a date with him…I said no.”
If you were an animal what animal would you be and why?
“I’d be a sparrow. Those who know me know my love for birds and I take great comfort in the song ‘His Eye is on the Sparrow and I Know He Watches Me.’”
What does a Christian community look like to you?
“Christian community looks like a bunch of really ordinary, really sacred moments. It’s sharing a meal and sharing about our day across the dinner table from each other. It’s folding each other’s laundry when life just gets to be too much. It’s coming over into a less-than-perfect home to say hi and offer prayer during a moment of crisis. It’s spontaneous movie nights and cookies and popcorn. It’s knowing and recalling important facts about each other: important milestones, joys and sorrows, things that keep them up at night. It’s laughter and deep sharing and the daily discipline of self-care. It’s growing side by side, sharing life, becoming more like Jesus together.”
Favorite Fraagard memory?
“Wow, can we just talk about the quirks of our old buildings? Between the creaking/banging of the heaters and the extreme flip flop of super-hot to super cold in the shower…let’s just say it’s a joy to live in the wonderful world that is Fraagard.”
Assistant Area Coordinator: Conner Locke

Dallas Oregon, 35min away from Corban. It’s a small town with only one high school, (Dallas High School) their mascot was the Dragons.
Double Major in Health Science and Biblical Studies. When Conner was a sophomore he decided to make his Biblical Studies minor into a major to create more opportunities later in life.
Favorite college memory?
“The Epic of PVG Basement!” Conner’s sophomore year his hall in the PVG basement formed a band called the “Boys Down Under” for Battle of the Bands. Everyone in the band held instruments during the performance, but only four members actually played instruments. Their main singer was John Mellison. They performed a medley of three different songs: “500 miles” by Peter, Paul and Mary, “Barbara Ann” by the Beach Boys and “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” by The Tokens. “We won Battle of the Bands…got 2nd place,” Locke said. This became one of their hall’s favorite things to tell people. The 2nd place prize was $250 which they spent much time debating how to use it. Finally they decided to spend some of it on hall shirts and the rest on snacks and gas for a trip to Brietenbush Hot Springs. Locke says this whole experience is one of his favorites: the planning, preparation, performance and trip to the hot springs, the whole process.
If you were an animal what animal would you be and why?
Locke said he wanted to be a dinosaur, “maybe a Long Neck or T-Rex, but a nice T-Rex.” Locke would be a dinosaur because he doesn’t like animals and he thinks being a dinosaur would be “pretty cool.”
What does a Christian community look like to you?
“We are a people who interact with Jesus in many capacities” Locke said. His favorite quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German pastor martyred during World War II, summarizes his view on the Christian community: “The goal of all Cristian communities: they meet one another as bringers of the message of salvation.” Locke says “we are bearing the message of salvation, which is pretty beautiful.” He believes this should be evident in our lives as we help others and are helped within the Christian community. He believes through our actions we should “draw others towards that community.” He believes there is “a lot of goodness that comes out of it (the Christian community), a lot of stuff to celebrate.”
Favorite Fraagard memory or experience?
Fraagard coffee nights or casual social gathers when both Aagard and Farrar get together. “Watching friends talk to each other and being able to sit in those moments is one of my favorite things,” Locke said. He doesn’t have anything against structured events but enjoys the more casual ones. “I love low key events where people can talk and be together and make it their own,” Locke said.