On the brisk fall day of Oct. 6, Corban’s annual Homecoming President’s luncheon occurred. The event was held in the Psalm Center which hosted close to 150 alumni. For some students, Homecoming may seem like a far off event. Our alumni, however, had a message for current Corban students.

Photo by Sheldon Traver
Jerry and Jo Cudney graduated with the class of ‘63. Since then they have kept close contact with the school, serving in many different ways, including Jerry being a part of the Corban Alumni board.
Jerry said the number one thing he would tell students today is to “make significant spiritual decisions that will form the rest of your life now.”
Jerry believes college is an important stage of life that sculpts who you are. Wife Jo Cudney encourages students to “get involved in student activities because that’s where friendships are made and they last forever.” She also cautioned students, “don’t be married to your phone. Just be with the people you’re with.”
Dwight and Grace West were another couple that attended homecoming this year. Dwight graduated from Western Baptist Bible College in ‘58 with Grace following suit in ‘61. The couple served in the West Indies doing missionary work after leaving Western. West stressed the importance of “keeping close to the Lord” during these years in college as well as the ones to follow. Wife Grace West said students should take the opportunity to “learn as much Scripture by memory as possible.”
From the class of ‘62, Mary Smith said she learned a lot while at Corban. She said the most important thing she can impart to students today is that they need to “have an authentic relationship with the Lord.” In the end “it comes down to you and God,” Smith said
In no time at all we will be joining alumni like the Cudneys, Wests, and Smith. The advice they give us can be helpful in getting the most out of our college years.
On a final note Smith reminded students, “P.S. have fun!”