Softball player Allie Mendez, who spoke at chapel earlier this year, was recently featured in an article in the Statesmen Journal. Mendez’s journey to God is a testament to God’s provision and

sovereignty. Mendez cam from a family of heavy hitters. Both her father and uncle had a background in baseball and from their encouragement and teaching, she became a notable player on her softball team. Throughout her early education, she was vying for national recognition and could have qualified to play Division I softball.
Instead of pursuing her potential in softball, at fourteen Mendez fell into drugs. She dropped out of high school. Her drug addiction began small and spiraled until she was reliant on heroine and methamphetamine. She was in an unhealthy relationship and became involved in gang activity as a result of her need to acquire drugs. When this downward spiral was brought to a head, Mendez was left defeated and done with the direction of her life. She sought help at a 12-Step Program to overcome her drug addiction and start over.
Then God found her.
Mendez was saved shortly after her twenty fourth birthday and with her relationship with God came a return to sports and interest in life. After playing softball at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton, she found her way to Corban, because she wanted to attend a Christian university. At Corban, she continues to play softball and seeks to bless the student body with her testimony and athletic abilities.